2022 Queen's Beasts Greyhound 1oz Platinum BU

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NT$ 38,999 (VAT) NT$ 38,999

NT$ 38,999

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The Queen's Ten Great Beasts coins also include the English Lion, issued in February 2016, the Edward III Griffin Lion, issued in October 2016, the Welsh Red Dragon, issued in March 2017, the Scottish Unicorn, issued in September 2017, the Chrysanthemum Dynasty Falcon, to be issued in September 2018, the Clarence Black Bull, issued in March 2018, the Pulford's Crocodile, issued in March 2019, and the Mortimer White Lion, issued in March 2020. The Royal Mint is pleased to present the ninth coin - the 2020 Queen's Game Animal - White Lurcher Platinum 1oz.

Product Description

In 1953, ten statues guarded the entrance to Westminster Abbey at the coronation of Her Majesty The Queen. Known as The Queen’s Beasts, they were created to represent different strands of her ancestry. Today, these fascinating heraldic beasts have been reimagined for a new era, brought to life on our bullion coins. The White Greyhound of Richmond is the tenth and final release in the bullion collection.

On 2 June 1953, Queen Elizabeth II became the thirty ninth monarch to be crowned at Westminster Abbey. Outside the entrance, The Queen’s Beasts formed a guard of honour and a striking illustration of the royal line of descent. Taking its place amongst them was the White Greyhound of Richmond.

Swift and keen eyed, greyhounds were bred to chase game. Dogs of this kind were present in Britain during Roman times and were included in royal hunting packs as early as the twelfth century, enhancing their prestige.

In heraldry, the greyhound is associated with qualities such as fitness and skill, as well as faithfulness and loyalty. Elevated to royal status by Edward III, all of his descendants used the greyhound as a badge. It became closely associated with the House of Lancaster before passing to the Tudor family. Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch, displayed it to emphasise his dynastic right to rule.

Product Features

  • Struck in 1oz of 999.5 fine platinum

  • Finished to The Royal Mint’s bullion standard

  • Both sides of the coin were created by iconic Royal Mint designer Jody Clark

  • Struck by the United Kingdom’s official mint – trusted by government and royalty


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Metal Platinum
Weight 1oz
purity 9995
Face Value 100 GBP
Year 2022
Series 英國女王野獸系列
Quality Brilliant Uncirculated
Issuing Country United Kingdom
Manufacturer The Royal Mint